Hi Neal,
Am 12.04.19 um 15:41 schrieb Neal H. Walfield:
You mentioned that you want to try Sequoia on Ubuntu or Debian. We at least know that Sequoia works on Debian. Perhaps try it there?
I set up a Debian Testing in a VM and there it compiled just fine.
I guess the conclusion of this is:
1. Sequoia has some unknown dependencies or requirements, which only allow it to run it on pretty bleeding edge systems.
2. I probably won't use it until it is easily installable on most systems. But I'll play around with it's python bindings for a bit.
A few questions about using Sequoia and specifially the python bindings:
Let's say I want to encrypt an e-mail body. I see the ArmoredWriter I understand I want to use to write the encrypted body with, but I don't see any Encrypt method or similar as counter part to the Decrypt method, analogous to the python example. How do I get some text encrypted for several public keys?
Same spiel for a signature: Is the functionality for creating signatures exposed in Python yet?
I want to export a public key to a file or buffer (Actually for implementing Autocrypt, but I see this crate is not yet exposed via python bindings). Is TPK.serialize() the way to go?
A Store is similar to the keyring in gnupg, but it's more flexible as in I just name a new one and create it with Store.open(ctx, name)? And then I use it for example to get keys from the network? How does for example PacketParser.decrypt(ctx, key) know which key to use, when the class Key is just an ID or fingerprint? How does it do the connection to the Store I actually have that key inside?
Thanks, Jan